“MARRIED STUPID” is a gritty, high-octane thriller series that plunges readers into the chaotic life of a man haunted by the past and desperate for redemption. Across three riveting novels, Mark Bertrand crafts a dark, unforgiving world where survival is a relentless battle against inner demons, ruthless adversaries, and the ever-present shadow of one’s former self.
In “SNODGRASS,” the series kicks off with the tale of a Navy fighter pilot whose life is a turbulent mix of high-stakes military combat and personal vendettas. As he confronts the scars left by an abusive childhood, his journey intertwines with that of a Denver detective unraveling a deadly web of deceit and stolen diamonds. This gripping narrative delves deep into the psychological turmoil of a man forced to choose between enduring torment or braving the perils of the unknown.
“BERTRAND” shifts the focus to the uncharted territories of the internet, where the protagonist, a digital outlaw, thrives in the lawless world of the Wild West 2.0. As he navigates a landscape of hacked systems, rigged markets, and the hidden machinations of religious empires, the stakes rise in a dangerous game where wealth and power come at the cost of one’s soul. This digital odyssey is a tale of greed, betrayal, and the relentless pursuit of truth in a world built on lies.
The final installment, “NEWBURY,” is a powerful exploration of redemption’s cost. The protagonist, now in the twilight of his life, seeks to escape the darkness of his criminal past and rebuild his shattered relationships, particularly with his estranged son. But as old enemies resurface and the temptation to return to his former life looms large, he finds that the road to redemption is fraught with peril. In this intense narrative, the bonds between father and son are tested as they fight to leave behind the legacies of violence and deceit that threaten to consume them.
“MARRIED STUPID” is a relentless exploration of the human condition, where the battle for redemption is as fierce as any external war. Each book in the series is a standalone thriller, yet together they paint a complex portrait of men grappling with the consequences of their choices, the weight of their pasts, and the daunting challenge of forging a new path in a world that refuses to forget. Prepare for a journey through the darkest recesses of the soul, where the price of freedom is steep, and the pursuit of redemption may be the deadliest game of all.